Saturday, April 27, 2013

Who wants to be president?

 Yesterday, Friday April 26, 2013 was election day in the Urraco primary school. After an arduous week of campaigning for student government, the time finally came for the two political movements to face off. The first group was the 6th graders, or the "Morazan movement". These guys are the older, wiser, and more conservative group. Usually they are the most popular party, and this year they sticked to their guns by promising  a soccer ball per classroom and candy for everyone. The second party was the 5th graders, or the "Lempira (indigenous) movement". Now this party are the so called liberals, they are not usually as popular, but this year they stepped up their game. They didn't only promised candy, that's old school. They promised a pinata filled with candy per class room.
This is how it worked:

1. Make an orderly line per grade to enter the voting room
(if you've ever been in a third world country, orderly lines are non existent, so this is as close as we got)

2. Check in to receive the voting sheet

3. Make your secret vote
(secret as long as the people watching don't tell anyone)
4. Place your vote in the urn

5. Mark your finger to show you've already voted

And that's it. After every student had voted, we quickly counted the votes

And the winners are.... the 5th graders! 
First on the agenda, a pinata party some time next week. Are the teachers invited? I sure hope so.

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