Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Six kids came….Six kids left…..

What a hard day it was here in this ministry…

Wake up… a day like every other… start off the day getting ready, our daughter first, then ourselves. The day was Tuesday , preparation was needed for classes in the afternoon for Monica and I was off to help finish up the new female volunteer apartment. They were so excited because they would be moving in soon.

Jason then enters the apartment as the screen is being put on the outside door and asks us all to stop working and come say goodbye to the kids.

So many thoughts go through your head……

Doubt starts to enter the head… Is this move the best for the kids? or is it for political arguments going on with social services?

Then the sadness enters…. Could we have influenced these kids more, or spent more time with them when they were here???

How different will their lives be somewhere else???

Is this really what is best for these beautiful kids?

 Then after the tears and the goodbyes… we just had to stretch ourselves and realize that God is in complete control. And even though we may not understand why we just had some amazing kids come into our lives then all of a sudden  they were gone, we have to believe that God is in complete control.

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